Saturday, February 25, 2012

because it has been a while.

Hello friends,
     It has been quite a while since my last blog post. We've sold our house, bought a new one, gained a new niece, and celebrated our little one's third birthday! However, I decided to start blogging again because I've started a new journey. I call it my "because i'm tired of being fat" journey. I'm on a new path to become healthy. Of course, this also means losing weight. I've promised myself that I'm committed to changing my bad habits to good habits. I know that this road will not be easy, nor will it be short, and because I know that, I need my entire support group to stand beside me (as if I have to say that. You guys are amazing!).

I can be honest by saying that the root to my weight/health issues is ME. I doubt myself and my abilities to do certain things. I try to make myself "feel" better with food and lazy-ness. (Excuse my language) I had to have a heart to heart with myself and basically I said this, "Ashley it's time to get off your lazy ass, put down the snacks, and put your everything into something healthy and productive. It's time that you do something for you. And it's time that you become truly happy with your WHOLE self inside and out." After this pep talk with my inner me, I went out and bought myself an elliptical (with the help of my completely supportive and amazing hubby). I'm self-conscious about the gym and everyone staring, so I figured this was a way I could be comfortable and get healthy. I've downloaded the "my fitness pal" app on my droid. It keeps me accountable for my calorie intake. I have to log all food and drink that I consume for each meal and in between. It pretty much holds me accountable for my food and beverage choices and helps me realize which ones are good choices and which ones I should steer clear of.

The elliptical has been a huge hit. I'm on it at least 4 times a week. At first, I have started slowly 10 mins at a time, but just this week I've been able to make it through a 20 minute pre-set workout, and I am so proud of myself! I never thought that I would post something so personal as my weight on something so public, but I feel this is my way of owning up to the bad choices I have made for so many years. I also feel it will help my friends understand how important this is to me, and help to hold me accountable to reach my goals.

I'll call today the start of my journey, February 25, 2012.

Current weight is 234.5    Pants size 16-18

Short term goal- 1 month from today 224 lbs

Long term goal- February 25, 2013 140 lbs

I know that I can do this. Let the journey begin.

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