Friday, January 28, 2011

I elect to be unanonymously ANGRY

For those of you that know my family, you all know the struggles that we've been through the past couple of years. The hardest struggle was losing my sweet niece Kylie Brielle Keith. Not only was losing her difficult, but trying to comfort my sister and brother-in-law while they faced the hardest decisions and situations of their lives. They've faced hard times, but they've made it through with faith, hope, and most of all Love. Recently, an anonymous poster posted some extremely hateful, painful, hurtful things on my sisters blog. I think this person is a coward for not owning up to their comments and opinions, I also think this means they are ashamed of what they were saying therefore they couldn't place their name with their words. I think they are insecure about their own lives, in turn placing blame and hate on others to make themselves feel better. I think this person is heartless, because anyone with a heart could never say such painful things. I pray that this person is not a friend of mine, and if they are, I hope I find out soon, because they do not deserve and ounce of my time. My family is my life. How dare you (anonymous poster) say things to stab my sister right in her grieving, suffering heart. Before you judged my sister and the life that she lives, you should remember that you will have a judgment day, I hope you enjoy what you find about yourself on that day.

The UNanonymous angry sister!

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