Monday, February 27, 2012

Royal Fat Adder

So, yesterday I decided that in order to meet my goals, I'm going to have to start eating healthy. By healthy I mean organic produce, lean meats, and NO I repeat NO quick easy convenient foods! On Wednesday (payday/grocery day) I will be making my first trip ever to Earthfare. If you have any tips or comments about Earthfare, please feel free to share them here. I would like to hear my friends' experiences with the place. I will admit, the thought of organic and healthy terrifies me because I've never lived like this before, so it is all new to me. In celebration of this new way of life, the hubby and I had 1 last terrible eating day. Yesterday, we went to Red Robin for lunch. We had an appetizer with onion rings and cheese sticks, then I ordered my favorite burger, the Royal Red Robin, of course accompanied by bottomless fries, and to finish out the terrible eating day, I had a medium cup of Better Batter ice cream from Maggie Moos (I know terrible is an understatement). Over the past couple of months I've been eating "better" but not great and Eating that Royal-Fat-Adder (Royal Red Robin) made me feel miserable for the bulk of yesterday and the bulk of today. All the starches and sugars made me super exhausted, and that my friends was the proof that I needed that this life-altering decision I have made is the correct one. :)

1 comment:

  1. I've never been to Earthfare or have a lot of experience with organic food, but I know it can be good! And it is so true that eating healthy makes you feel a million times better. However, I always tell people who are dieting (because I've heard this from so many people) to make sure you give yourself a day to have a treat (something small). If you are making it a lifestyle change and not just a temporary thing, you can't deprive yourself of the things you love forever, otherwise you may end up indulging in way too much of that treat! So it's all about proportion control and making the best decision for your diet, but still enjoying the things you eat! :-)
