Wednesday, December 8, 2010

No time to spare.

With the fall semester of school coming down to the wire, I have essays and assessments coming out of my ears. I have work to attend to, and on top of everything, we're going to try to get the house listed this weekend!! eek! it's not even clean enough for anyone to come through.. how are we going to have it ready for the Realtor to come on Saturday. Although there are so many things i should be doing other than writing this blog, I thought i owed it to myself to take a few moments of reflection. With the Holiday season in full affair I find myself thinking of miss Kylie Brielle even more so than usual. I miss her unbelievably. I am so thankful for the strong support system I have that includes my family(Mom, dad, sissy, and chris especially), my old friends (Bee, Kelle, C-lo, and Jess especially), and my new group of friends from work (all of you She-She, GiGi, Sara P., Jessie, Tara...and the list goes on) and most of all my husband for putting up with me at my worst and continuing to love and support me all the way through to my best. I wouldn't make it through each day without the love and support of each of you and you have no idea how much it means to me to have you all in my life. Just wanted to say thanks for all that you guys unknowingly do for me on a daily basis. I love you all!

and to Jon...I apologize for being difficult and moody lately. You are amazing to me and I greatly appreciate all that you do for me and our family. You're my rock. Even the strongest of us need someone stronger to lean on sometimes. You're always here. I couldn't ask for a better husband. I want you to know how much I love you day in and day out, and I never want you to feel unappreciated. Thanks babe..for simply being you and for the little things you do. I love you.

Straight from my heart to yours,
Ashley B

1 comment:

  1. I love you Ash. You are and always will be one of my best friends. I just want you to know that, even if we don't talk to each other every day and we aren't as close to each other as we used to be. If you called me for advice or to vent, I'd be there to listen and help in a heartbeat!
