Sunday, December 5, 2010

My first time

Hello blogging world. This is my first time as a "blogger" short of Myspace blogs and facebook notes. I have decided that due to an unbelievable amount of stress lately, I need a way to release tension in my head and my heart. I used to do this by writing, so what better time to begin blogging. I also feel this will give my friends and family members a way to understand my emotions without having to ask or without my having to explain. Sometimes its hard to find the words to express a feeling or emotion. So welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoy the little tidbits of my life.

I'm a 22 year young mother of a 1 year old and wife of two years. I enjoy every moment that I have with my friends and my family. Sometimes I am pessimistic and crazy, at other times I am bubbly and bold. I do things that no one can explain, sometimes they are good choices sometimes bad. I make so many mistakes that I can't keep up, and I'm extremely insecure, but this is my life and I don't think I would have it any other way.

1 comment:

  1. I miss hearing thoughts from Ashley's brain! :) Writing has always been your strong point, and I agree it definitely works as a stress reliever. Love you, Ash!
