Thursday, August 7, 2014

I love you back

I've heard many women lately talk about their interactions with their husbands. I've read articles that depict many of the same things. "It's unusual for my husband and I to speak to each other before bed" "we are usually so busy we don't have time to kiss or hug" "there is definitely no TIME or ENERGY for sex" 

This honestly appalled me when I really sat down and thought about it. I challenge my married friends to really take a step back and think about this. 
If you and your spouse left for work in the morning, and your spouse never returned home, would you be pleased with the last interaction you had with them?

I ask myself this everytime I have to leave my husband, and everytime I can answer yes. Now, let me clarify. I am NOT perfect, and I am probably the MOST stubborn girl in the world, but my husband and my lil boy are everything to me. When I forget to ask myself that question, I can always depend on my husband to make sure I can answer "yes"  to that question. 

Here's how it goes in my house...

When I wake up each morning and my hubby is still asleep I kiss and/or hug him before I get out of bed. When he wakes up, he comes to me for a kiss and a hug. 

If he works the early shift, he never leaves  this house without a kiss, a hug, and an "I love you"

If we walk by one another, there's a brush of the hand, arm, or other body part. Sometimes it's a love tap (in his case smack) on the ass. (Got to keep it spicy)

When we leave each other it's a kiss, hug, I love you, another kiss, and another hug. 

When we return to each other, we greet the same way, showers of kisses and hugs. Usually, an "I missed you" today is in there somewhere.

We definitely don't go to sleep without kisses, hugs, and "I love you's"

My husband and I.. I think we kinda have this marriage thing figured out. Now we have arguments/disagreements and sometimes I just want to shake him, but at the end of the day, regardless of what is going on between us, we NEVER don't say "I love you" or end with a cuddle sessionuntil we fall asleep.

Thank you Jon, for never allowing me to be pouty and stubborn, For showing me what true love is, for not letting me be angry, and for holding on to me like I could be gone tomorrow. I appreciate what we have.

Happy 6th anniversary a little early. :)

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