Friday, October 4, 2013

Week 1 results

Okay so I'm a day late in posting my week 1 results, but thankfully my awesome friend Kelle harassed me about it this morning :) 

I will start off by saying I wasn't 100% committed this week. I cheated a couple of times with my good friend carbohydrate, but for the most part I stuck with it and turned down some "devil" foods. Yay a victory! Lol

So.. Drumroll please.........week one I lost 4 lbs!!! I would say that is a pretty good start :)

On the calendar for the upcoming week is lots of tball, football, and my 2nd 5k with some of my favorite gals! I'm ready to get colored again :) and hopefully I will have more recipes to share this week, so be ready for some crazy things that the hubs and I come up with. (By the way the hubby gained a pound this week :( bless him he dropped 40 lbs in 6 months without trying and now that he's trying.. He gained. Maybe he's just trying to make me feel better..hmm..could be!)

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