Sunday, July 15, 2012

Me vs Me

Hello friends,
     Unfortunately, I'm sad to say that the reason it has been so long since my last blog post is because I fell off of my get healthy train, but as of today I've re-boarded with a new partner. Yep, that's right, my hubby has finally decided to get on the train with me. It means a lot that he's making a life style change with me because it's extremely difficult to keep it up when you're doing it by yourself. I've been searching pinterest high and low for low calorie, low glycemic recipes. I'm trying to bring a variety of foods into our new lifestyle because I know the hubs will get very tired of eating the same things.If any of you have delicious low-cal or low glycemic recipes, please send them our way. (I prefer fairly simple recipes that don't take too long to prep and cook considering the limited amount of time we have for dinner, baths, and bed after work each day)

     I've started taking a Zumba class 1 time a week at my dad's karate studio. It is so much fun!!! It's a really amazing workout without the feeling of it being a work out. I feel like I'm just dancing around having a great time with some amazing girls. My husband takes this opportunity on Wednesdays to do some weight training while watching his wife shake it and sweat to death (sexy huh). As of today, I've started Jillian Michael's 30 day shred, which I have been told has worked wonders for many people. I have high hopes, as I know my worst enemy through all of this is and always will be...ME.

     I've said it before, and I'll say it again..I think I can, I think I can, I think I can. I know I will reach my goal one day, as my assistant manager always says "little by little" we'll get there, and now I have my biggest supporter on my team!!!!! So excited for this journey to begin again...


  1. Ashley- I've got some really good Weight Watchers recipes that I can share with you. Have you considered WW? It really works if you stick to the plan. I lost 30lbs in less than 4 months. It's all about mind over matter. I just keep telling myself that nothing tastes as good as thin feels! Good luck on your journey!!

    Lots of love from SC,

    1. I love that quote I've also heard it as nothing tastes as good as healthy feels. :) I've thought about WW, but not sure if I could afford it. I've heard really amazing things about it though, and I would love some new recipes.

  2. Sissy,

    I am proud of you and of Jon! Your decision to be happy and healthy is something that will benefit you both so much today, tomorrow, and always! I am working on being healthier myself, so you can also consider me to be a participant with you. Dad started a diet again as well, so here's to all of us getting healthy and doing it the right way! Love you!

