Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Lesson Learned

Hello Friends,
    I have exciting news! I bought my first weight set today! I went out in search of an economical way to purchase small weights (3lbs, 5lbs). In my most un-favorite store, coughwalmartcough, I discovered a $30 dollar weight set by none other than, Jillian Michaels, whom I love! It included 2-3lbs weights, 2-5lbs weights, and 2 8-lbs weights nestled on a plastic tray for easy storage and transportation. It also included a Jillian Michaels DVD for weight lifting. I have not viewed the DVD, but I have used the 3lb weights, and I must say they are awesome. They're easy to hold onto, and for a beginner like me 3 lbs is perfect.

      Now for the lesson learned...on Sunday I was a very bad girl! The hubby and  I had been working around the house for most of the day. He changed the oil in my car, and we cleaned and packed up old clothes in Nick's room. Lunch time rolls around and neither of us feel like cooking. So, (here's the bad girl part) we drove down to McDonalds (i know you just cringed in your seat). I had a double cheeseburger and some fries. Delicious while it lasted...however I was so sick to my stomach all day yesterday, and even the sight of food made me feel sick. I know that the food wasn't bad because Jon ate the same thing, but after much thought I realized it had been more than 2 weeks since I've eaten fast food. I must admit I used to eat it probably twice a week. (Horrible I know, but I feel better when I let out the truth) So, McDonalds is the devil. You absolutely won't see me in that drive-thru probably EVER again! Lesson Learned.

With Love,

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