Saturday, February 2, 2013


Change...I think this is the most thrown around word in every person's vocabulary (besides the "L" word of course). We never have enough, need more, wish someone would, and hate it all at the same time. I am guilty myself, of always preaching about change, but running a mouth will not make anything happen. You cannot continue to do the things you've always done, the way you've always done them, and expect different results. I always have these wonderful ideas in my head with no real way to implement them, and if I do try to implement them, I never follow through. My work partner always says, "the only thing constant around here is change." While we complain about things always changing, we demand more changes. 1 truth is that we're human, and we are NEVER satisfied. The 2nd truth is that without change we wouldn't evolve, grow, or learn. 2013 is my year for change. I am forcing changes into my life because I am finally over seeing the same results. I went "crazy" last week and cut up all my credit cards. Yup! Just call me weird. Now THAT is something I can be proud of. Now to evict the many lbs of unwanted fat that have taken up residence in my lower belly, upper arms, thighs, & face. Watch out fat..eviction notice is on its way!!! & change is definitely hap-nin-nin (haha Jess that one is for you!!!)  I'm promising myself changes that will be beneficial to me & my family. When I promise change, I will follow through. I don't have a choice anymore...this is something I HAVE to do.

Side note: My first 5k is on March 30th! I am so excited to be running the Color Run in Nashville with all of my favorite people!!!! yay!